This week I had the great fortune of attending a talk by Dr. Michael Greger. Dr. Greger, he’s a real M.D. and he currently serves at the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States. Most importantly, the guy reads over 800 articles in medical journals...
What the heck you may be asking yourself! How can peanut butter be contaminated with salmonella. Well of course because it’s produced in a facility that also creates products with uncooked eggs and meat.
When illnesses caused by animal-based food products contaminate vegan diet sources of food,...
I have to admit, I never gave much thought to saturated fats. I guess I knew in the back of my mind that they were no good but I didn’t really know why. Now I know … most saturated fats come from animals.
Saturated fats also raise total blood cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol (the bad...
As some of you know I run a small business. We provide Web development services for health care companies and physician offices. Every year I like to send my VIP clients a thoughtful gift in appreciation of their support throughout the year. Well this year was particularly tough because I really, really...
Most people stereotype vegans as skinny people with a ashy grey complexion. That couldn’t be further from the truth. And just because I like to crack open ridiculous stereotypes, I going to explain how vegans these days can actually be overweight! Yes it’s true. While we like to believe that...